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In order to continually improve the service provided by the FSU Web Portal we kindly ask for your feedback on all aspects of the Portal. We will use this feedback to inform future development and improvement of the FSU Web Portal.
If you believe that any information, methodology, tools, document or data available on the FSU Web Portal may be materially inaccurate or misleading in any respect please provide full details as outlined below.

Any such feedback should be provided directly by email to the FSU Helpdesk Team at

You should also use this feedback facility if you wish to contribute any flood event data or if you wish to otherwise comment on the general performance of the FSU Web Portal or your experiences of using it which might be helpful in identifying future improvements or upgrades of the Portal.

Where we identify improvements to be made to the FSU Web Portal, these will be notified on the News page and frequent updates regarding the related work progress will be provided.



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